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[SF2] USAF E/F-111/A/D/E/F Combat Lancers/Aardvarks/Ravens! Version 10

发表于 2016-2-20 14:35:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

SF2 Updated USAF E/F-111/A/D/E/F Combat Lancers/Aardvarks/Ravens/!
Updated by Viper63a, dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!

This mod includes the updated individual E/F-111A/D/E/F mod packs + other excellent contributions! I had some requests to put them all into one pack for it would be easier to download. So here they are. All the F-111s in this packs are also available for individual downloads in the following links...if you just want a certain model. The F-111D updates from dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder are only available in this mod pack.

* F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
* F-111D Aardvarks from Cannon AFB: The 481st, 522nd, 523rd and 524th TFS from the 27th TFW. Contribution by dtmdragon with support from Lel Fanatic Modder (FM). Thanks guys for making this pack more complete!
* F-111E Aardvarks from USAF/E RAF Upper Heyford 20th TFW. The 55th, 77th and 79th TFS!
* F-111F Aardvarks from USAF/E 48th Liberty Wing. The 492nd, 493rd, 494th and 495th TFS!
* EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons!

This mod was intended as an update to FastCargo's Super Vark Package (See link below), but it can be a standalone mod if you just want the USAF F-111s listed in this pack.


I recommend that you back up your mod folder (or just the Effects, \Objects\Aircraft\F-111* folders). I just make a copy the mod folder, try the mod, if I like it, I delete the backup. If I don't, I delete the new/updated mod folder and rename the old backup/copy back to the original names to reset to my original setup.

* To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder (the uncompressed "Effects and Objects" folders only) to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite.

My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...

C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\

Note: You should be able to install this mod into any SF2 series, it doesn't have to be StrikeFighter2 Europe.

* To remove, simply delete the active "Effects and Objects" folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.



If you're interested in some of the mods I referenced/used in my mod (can't say it's mine really, my contribution?)...here they are! Excellent mods all!

* FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)


* Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2)


* Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)


* LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)


* Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1 (SF2)


* Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2)


* Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)


F-111D Additions! Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/loadout.ini information and testing.

Thank you all for your contributions!!


What's New in Version Version 10 (See full changelog)
  • * Version 10 - 10/28/2015
  • 1) Added Later F-111E/Fs with black "Star Stencil" decals.
  • 2) Added F-111F 48th TFW Wing Commanders Jet# 72-448.
  • 3) Added F-111E 20th FW Wing Commanders Jet# 67-120
  • 4) Added "Combat Lancer Leader" Jet with Red, white and blue leader stripes.
  • ----------------------------
  • * Version 9.5 - 10/25/2015
  • 1) Refreshed EF-111A, F-111A, F-111E and F-111F skins. Cleaned up and ehanced the details.
  • 2) Fixed Airbrakes to be more effective for better landings.
  • ----------------------------
  • * Version 9 - 10/15/2015
  • 1) Added F-111D package by dtmdragon with Lel and Fanatic Modder (FM)!!!
  • Credits to Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/ loadout.ini information and testing.
  • 2) Added Spinner's F-11A "Early TAC" skins to the F-111As!
  • ----------------------------
  • * Version 8 - 08/26/2015
  • 1) Updated Pave Tack
  • 2) F-111A/E Upgraded cockpit Radar Screen.
  • 3) F-111A/E Added LeL's Fantastic fix to remove the WSO's radar hood!!! Thanks LeL!!!!
  • ----------------------------
  • Version 7 - 07/13/2015
  • 1) All updated EF-111A INI files from Fanatic Modder! Thanks FM!!!
  • ----------------------------
  • * Version 6 - 06/30/2015
  • 1) Upgraded the F-111E/E Desert Storm Aardvarks. Not a major change on the skin, just some stuff to make them a little better.
  • ----------------------------
  • * Version 5 - 06/26/2015
  • 1) New improved F-111 skins! I took the best parts of Slick Cowboy, Lel, Dave's F-111 skins and recomposited them. Then I rebuilt/upgraded the resulting skin from the pitot tube to the exhaust nozzles! I detailed, corrected and tweaked the skins to be the best it can be on CombatACE! These skins were only possible because of the excellent modders who came before me. For that, Thank you Cowboy, Lel, FastCargo and Dave!!!
  • 2) Added many new squadrons to the wings! Pretty sure the the 20th (Upper Heyford) and 48th (Lakenheath) Wings are complete!
  • 3) New improved "Wing", "Squadron" and "Tail Numbers"! I created new hi-rez color decals of the "Stars and Stripes", "Wing" and "Squadron" emblems. The new high rez decals looks much better and gives the planes a more colorful "Glory Days" vibe. The original black stencil decals are still included, but I renamed them and use them for the Desert Storm Aardvark skins (also in this mod).
  • 4) New improved cockpits! Spent alot of time tweaking and improving the cockpit! Added instruments, 3d'ed all the knobs and buttons. Corrected the alignment of some gauges and etc...etc...etc...
  • 5) New improved pilots! I replaced the default pilots with Florian's excellent LOD and reskinned the pilots. They look awesome, I've not seen one better! There a load of custom helmets for the pilots, to choose a different helmet, go to the pilot folder in Objects > Pilots > * folder and pick the one you like better and rename it to Pilotgear1.bmp.
  • 6) Fanatic Modder researched the F-111s and contributed the INI files for the pack. FM research the heck out of the F-111 and the INIs are awesome!
  • 7) New Hangar and Loading Screens...



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