本帖最后由 小-R 于 2015-12-16 22:11 编辑
The Sukhoi Su-25 (NATO reporting name: "Frogfoot") is a single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by the Sukhoi Design Bureau.
It was designed to provide close air support for the Soviet Ground Forces.
The first prototype made its maiden flight on 22 February 1975. After testing, the aircraft went into series production in 1978 at Tbilisi in the Soviet Republic of Georgia.
Russian air and ground forces nicknamed it "Grach" ("Rook").
- The SF-2 Frogfoot by Florian (with new little mappings edits)
- A Whole new skinset:
- 3 VVS
- 2 Navy
- 2 CVL
- 2 Georgia
- 2 Ukraine
- 2 BVVS
- 1 IRAQ
- 2 Peru
- New & tweaked decals
- New FM tuned by Baffmeister
- screens, pilot, seat
- Florian: tweaked model
- Wingoverisrael: first, big reskin
- Torno: second, great reskin
- Paulopanz: new temps (soon avalaible), new skins, decals etc.
- Baffmeister: fantastic, new FM
- Y.Gordon: references
This is the old Florian outstanding model revamped, a big upgrade is in the work by Martin. I think it's so good that we can't wait for the new one to fly.
So this is my birthday present for you all my friends!
God bless CA.