loo_ohs 发表于 2015-3-1 17:00:11


Star Force ProActive has recently implemented a deactivation option for DCS: MiG-21bis. In order to avoid an unneeded activation of previously activated module due to Start Force protection changes, please:
Deactivate the module
Exit DCS
Start DCS again
Activate the module after starting a MiG-21BIS mission

NOTE for Windows 8 users: It is possible that you will receive a warning notifying you that module can't write to registry after it activates. Confirm this notification and let the mission start. You won't get into the cockpit this time. Exit the mission and restart DCS. Load another MiG-21BIS mission: you should be in the cockpit this time.

loo_ohs 发表于 2015-3-1 17:17:59

星盾防盗版公司最近为DCS: MiG-21bis设置了一个反激活选项, 为的是避免:由于星盾防盗版程序的变化,而造成的“对已经激活的模组再次激活”,浪费激活次数。如何操作呢?方法是:
4.通过加载进入DCS: MiG-21bis的任务,激活这个模组。

请注意:win8用户,你们有可能会看到一个警告提示“激活后,模组无法写入注册表”。没关系,确认。启动任务。这一次,你无法进入飞机座舱,似乎没有激活成功。没关系,退出任务和游戏,重新进入DCS,加载“另一个”DCS: MiG-21bis的任务。你这次就进入座舱了,说明激活成功。

FlyCat 发表于 2015-3-1 18:11:19


UH-1N 发表于 2015-3-1 21:14:38


鸡蛋VS西红柿 发表于 2015-3-1 21:51:39

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查看完整版本: 关于米格21模组问题的重要通知