梦飞DCS 发表于 2013-4-2 13:36:40


   我做出了一个艰难的决定。放弃我最爱的游戏(DCS黑鲨2)。因为黑鲨2不在是以前的(DCS Black Shark V1.0.X 2011年贺岁版)那么好驾驶好操作了,飞起来摇摇晃晃,左右摇摆,起飞和降落都非常的困难,我虽然没有开过真飞机,但是我却经常坐,M-8   M-171   M-26直升机.根本就不是这样的感觉,黑鲨-1就很好,非常容易操作。像黑鲨2这样摇摇晃晃就像喝多了酒一样,飞着都困难,更别说去执行任务了,就像一个人,连走路都走不好,还能去干别的吗?我不知道游戏开发者是怎么想的,从DCS-1到DCS-2,又到DCS-联合武装,怎么越来越不如以前了。游戏画面并不是很好,可要求的配置倒是极高。飞机的音效也不好,比如,M-26有八片旋翼,起飞和降落时那旋翼划破空气,震耳欲聋的声音真是令我着迷,可DCS黑鲨2却没有。为了这款DCS联合武装游戏我花了4000多新装了一个机箱,又购买了序列号,看来这个钱是白花了。所以我决定放弃飞DCS黑鲨2。

zrj 发表于 2013-4-2 14:48:40


JasonXieyf 发表于 2013-4-2 17:28:33


FlyCat 发表于 2013-4-2 17:59:51


JasonXieyf 发表于 2013-4-2 19:51:12

FlyCat 发表于 2013-4-2 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif

黑鲨2给我的感觉 如果我自己冷启飞起来的话还行 如果任务直接重生在空中的话就晃来晃去

梦飞DCS 发表于 2013-4-2 20:57:27


FlyCat 发表于 2013-4-2 21:43:46




FlyCat 发表于 2013-4-2 21:49:42




FlyCat 发表于 2013-4-2 22:13:02


Black Shark 2 List of Improved Features

List of primary changes between Black Shark 2 and A-10C v.

- Player controlled Ka-50
- Ka-50 cockpit in improved and more efficient EDM format
- Dynamic cockpit shadows
- Adjusted rotor effects for the Ka-50 flight model
- Network compatibility with DCS: A-10C Warthog
- Improved helicopter AI (HAI):
----- When analyzing a tactical situation, the HAI will take in account all threats, not only the target that the HAI is engaging.
----- If it's possible to engage targets from a safe distance, the HAI will not fly close to threats.
----- If it appears that the HAI is not at a safe position, for example too close to enemy air defenses, the HAI will fly away from the threat(s) and then start engaging targets from safe a distance.
----- If it appears impossible to engage targets from safe distance, the HAI will make only one short attack (one missile launch / rocket salvo or cannon burst per run) from maximum range of that weapon and then break away to make a new attack if required. This reduces fire effectiveness, but greatly increases HAI survival when engaging targets with cannon or rockets.
----- HAI will not hover in an unsafe location.
----- If high-priority targets are screened by low-priority targets that make it impossible to attack high-priority targets from safe distance, the HAI will attack low-priority targets first to break the screen. In other words, if you have line of enemy APCs and tanks at 4 km and enemy AAA and SAMs at 12 km, the HAI will engage those APCs and tanks first. No more flying over the enemies' heads.
----- Jinking defensive maneuvering has been added. When flying in the WEZ of AAA, tanks, and APCs, the HAI will fly at high speed and jink. Of course, HAI will not jink when aiming at a target.
- New, 15-mission Ka-50 campaign "Medved-2"
- Updated and improved Georgian Oil War campaign
- New voiceovers for Russian radio entities
- Abkhazia and South Ossetia factions to the ME
- Abkhazia and South Ossetia borders to the ME map
- A number of unit skins for Abkhazia and South Ossetia
- Flag Equals, Flag Equals Flag, and Flag Less Than Flag trigger conditions
- Group MSG (message), Group SND (sound) trigger actions
- Animated cirrus cloud layer
- Higher resolution textures for a number of ground objects
- Improved smoke effects
- Improved FARP texture
- Updated GUI manual

List of changes between Black Shark 2 and Black Shark v.1.0.2:

Improved graphics:

- High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Cockpit dynamic shadows
- Soft self-shadows
- Tree shadows
- Normal maps
- Animated cirrus cloud layer
- 3D and transparent water
- Low altitude clutter
- Improved airbases
- Improved FARP texture

Improved sound

- Implemented surround sound support.
- Many new and revised sound samples provide a more rich and accurate audio environment.

Improved gameplay

- Network compatibility with DCS: A-10C Warthog.
- Ability to take-off from ships (ships pitch and roll depending on wind strength (sea state)).
- AI radio traffic can be heard when tuned to the correct radio frequency.
- Mission Briefing and Debriefing available in-flight.

Expanded theater of operations

- The map now covers terrain further east to include the region of South Ossetia, center of the 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia, as well as additional Russian and Georgian territory. The newly covered area provides a variety of terrain types, 5 new airbases, highly detailed cities, and a number of radio navigation beacons.

Mission Editor improvements

- Group properties interface that allows for in-depth AI scripting of a variety of behavior options, such as waypoint or trigger-based task execution, rules of engagement settings, readiness states, attack conditions, orbiting and holding points, etc.
- Ability to lock either arrival times or travel speeds for AI routes.
- Ability to copy and paste groups
- New ground group formation options
- Improved trigger menu interface includes cloning, trigger re-ordering, and OR rules.
- 32 new trigger conditions and 19 new triggers actions.
- Ability to set AI aircraft to spawn at mission start, but delay start-up.
- Added Abkhazia and South Ossetia factions.
- New active ground units:
----- 9B11 Mortar
----- Variety of armed stationary objects (house, barracks, blockpost, tower)

Mission Generator

- The mission generator utilizes a wide collection of force templates placed throughout the map to generate a randomized mission based on the player's desired mission location and options. Force templates can be edited and created within the Mission Editor.

Improved AI

- Helicopter AI (HAI)

----- When analyzing a tactical situation, the HAI will take in account all threats, not only the target that the HAI is engaging.
----- If it's possible to engage targets from a safe distance, the HAI will not fly close to threats.
----- If it appears that the HAI is not at a safe position, for example too close to enemy air defenses, the HAI will fly away from the threat(s) and then start engaging targets from safe a distance.
----- If it appears impossible to engage targets from safe distance, the HAI will make only one short attack (one missile launch / rocket salvo or cannon burst per run) from maximum range of that weapon and then break away to make a new attack if required. This reduces fire effectiveness, but greatly increases HAI survival when engaging targets with cannon or rockets.
----- HAI will not hover in an unsafe location.
----- If high-priority targets are screened by low-priority targets that make it impossible to attack high-priority targets from safe distance, the HAI will attack low-priority targets first to break the screen. In other words, if you have line of enemy APCs and tanks at 4 km and enemy AAA and SAMs at 12 km, the HAI will engage those APCs and tanks first. No more flying over the enemies' heads.
----- Jinking defensive maneuvering has been added. When flying in the WEZ of AAA, tanks, and APCs, the HAI will fly at high speed and jink. Of course, HAI will not jink when aiming at a target.

- Plane AI (PAI)

----- AI-fighters will now always try to launch AA missile when the target has entered into its no-escape zone. However, AI-fighters will fire missile immediately if it appears the fighter is losing first-launch superiority.

- Ground Unit AI

----- Ground units are able to cross streams.
----- Ground units will by-pass destroyed bridges and seek alternate routes.
----- Ground groups will disperse when attacked.
----- Some ground groups will pop smoke when attacked.
----- NVG capability was removed from MANPAD SAMs.

Dynamic weather

- Dynamic weather conditions can be set for the mission based on a number of weather fronts and pressure differentials. Winds and cloud formations are calculated dynamically during the mission based on the fronts settings. This makes it possible, for example, to see precipitation in one part of the map and relatively clear skies in another.

New or improved 3D models:

- Air units
----- A-10A
----- A-10C
----- An-26
----- An-30
----- C-130
----- E-2
----- E-3
----- F-15C
----- F-15E
----- KC-135
----- L-39
----- Mi-8
----- Mi-26

- Ground units

----- 9S80 radar vehicle
----- HEMTT TFFT fire-fighting truck
----- LVTP-7
----- Patriot SAM site units
----- SA-11 SAM site units
----- SA-3 SAM site units
----- Russian infantryman

- Naval units

----- Pr. 1241.1 Molniya
----- Ticonderoga-class cruiser
------ Oliver H. Perry-class frigate

- Other

----- Fuel tank depot

Active Pause

- The active pause feature allows you to pause the simulation, while continuing to work with cockpit controls.


- A new 15-mission campaign features a variety of missions with some randomization elements and voice-over messages. The campaign takes places in the South Ossetia region and is very loosely based on the 2008 conflict between Russia and Georgia.
- Updated and improved Georgian Oil War campaign.


- Added sliders to control tree and ground clutter draw distances.
- Added software Multisample Anti-aliasing (MSAA) settings.
- Added an exporting function to the Input Options menu to export all mapped command to a text file.
- Added Misc. tab with various game options, including view restriction options for multiplayer.

=C.V.P=064 发表于 2013-4-3 01:19:43

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