weidang 发表于 2010-2-22 09:14:38

AdA Mod Les Mirages v1.00[2010年新Mod]

本帖最后由 zgtx101 于 2010-2-22 20:39 编辑

The Mod "Les Mirages" makes possible to fly in Lockon :
- Several model of Mirage F-1 as a replacement of the MiG-29K :
- C-100 : Tactical Fighter : historical version. No refueling probe.
- C-200 : Tactical Fighter : with refueling probe. Improvement of the C-100
- CT : Tactical Fighter with a nice Air To Ground / limited air superiority capabilities
- CR : Tactical Fighter andReconnaissance Platform, one of the best in the world at this job. Can do everything the CT does, plus reconnaissance.
- the Mirage IVP : strategical reconnaissance, replaces the Su24-MR.
- a fair amount of ordnance : bombs, missiles, rockets, ECM pods : Barax, Phimat, BOZ, reconnaissance pod CT-52, fuel tanks : central and under wings...======= Known limitations of the mod =======
The ones forced upon us by the way Lockon was released. This awesome game was never really meant to be deeply modded : we tried our best, but what you can do is quite limited.In particular :
- the flight model for the F-1 is the one of the MiG-29K : an aircraft with powerful engines and a high thrust / ratio but less agile than the other MiG-29s of the game (making gunzo slightly more fun ^^)
- the cockpit is the one of reskinned MiG-29 with Mirage 2000 textures. The instrument position and 3D remains the one of a Fulcrum. A dedicated cockpit will probably be made one day, but modding time is expensive and unfortunately we had other priorities ^^
- guided weapons are handled in a very limited way (some laser ordnance is not guided until impact but fire and forget).
- several weapons are modded over Russian ordnance (KH-29L for the AS 30L, AM-39...)
- the RWR does not produce any sound alerts, but a surprise may be coming soon...

截图见6楼(对不起为了好帖子只好编辑下weidang 的帖子)

weidang 发表于 2010-2-22 09:24:40

本帖最后由 zgtx101 于 2010-2-22 20:34 编辑

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雷蝉 发表于 2010-2-22 10:03:55


weidang 发表于 2010-2-22 10:40:57


雷蝉 发表于 2010-2-22 16:37:50


FalconWGL 发表于 2010-2-22 20:30:32


Evolution 发表于 2010-2-22 21:04:16


FalconWGL 发表于 2010-2-22 21:22:38

闲了把Mirage F-1代码编下,独立发出,这个MOD相当漂亮,此MOD替换Mig-29K不心疼

FalconWGL 发表于 2010-2-22 21:27:11

Mirage IVP 是法国达索公司研制的双座超音速轰炸机,主要用于载核弹,与KC-135加油机配合执行战略核攻击任务。该机是在“幻影”III战斗机基础上放大气动外形而设计的,原型机于1959年6月首次试飞。1964年投入批量生产,法国空军共订购62架。Mirage IVP 幻影”IVP是由“幻影”IV改装而来的改进型,共改装了18架,载ASMP中距空对地核导弹。该机还加装了“阿坎纳”(Arcand)脉冲多普勒雷达和双余度惯性系统,一个干扰舱和一个干扰物投放吊舱装在两个外翼挂架上。Mirage IVP 于1986年中期形成初始战斗能力,1987年底完成18架飞机的改装。

FalconWGL 发表于 2010-2-22 21:31:17

  \"Mirage\"幻影F-1战斗机由法国达索航空公司制造,于1966年12月23日首次试飞,1970年加入法 国空军服役。乘员2人,装备SNECMA Atar 9 K 50发动机,空重推力为4770公斤。翼展8.44米,机长15.33,机高4.49米,最大时速马赫2.2,巡航时速800公里。爬升率180米/秒,实用升限16500米,最大起飞重量16200公斤,载弹量4950公斤。主要武器装备包括:魔术II型导弹、SUPER 530F机炮以及各种炸弹、火箭弹。具备空中加油能力。
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